Jillian Michaels Shoes in Her Killer Buns Shoot

Jillian Michaels Shoes: The K-Swiss Tubes.

Celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels is endorsing the new running shoe by K-SWISS.  Although the partnership between Michaels and K-SWISS is nothing new, the K-SWISS Tubes Run 100 is the newest addition to the K-SWISS Tubes line of running shoes.

jillian michaels shoes K swiss tubes

Jillian Michaels Killer Buns Shoot in K-Swiss Tubes

The K-SWISS Tubes Run 100 features large cylinders on their soles to absorb impact for a more cushioned stride.  The sneakers also have smaller cylinders designed to stabilize the foot and align your stride.  These cylinders, or tubes, flex with your feet on any surface whether it’s pavement, the treadmill, or stairs.

A special advertising section in the February 2011 issue of SELF magazine features tips by Jillian Michaels on how to “re-envision your workout.”  Michaels advises working out with a friend, including fat-burning intervals in your workouts, and trying the new K-SWISS Tubes Run 100 to amp up your results.

Check her out in this picture wearing them. This is the new pic from her Facebook showing Jillian Michaels brand new Killer Buns shoot. You can friend her on her Facebook fan page and get all the latest!

Jillian Michael’s Shoes The K-Swiss Tubes

jillian michaels shoes

Jillian Michael’s Best Workout Shoe- K Swiss Tubes

Jillian Michaels promotional campaign with KSwiss shoes is firing up with a new photo shoot. Jillian posted a pic of her work-in-progress-hair shoot on her Facebook page.

Jillian Michaels Kswiss

Jillian Michaels KSwiss Shoot

David “jeuzing” my hair at the KSWiss shoot for my clothes. Why pieces you want me to post pics of? Capri, sweats, shorts, hoodies, kicks?

Her daily fitness tip?

Smart Tip: For fast effective workouts that burn tons of cals try the following techniques: Circuit training (moving from exercise to exercise w no rest in between), HIIT (high intensity cardio intervals worked in between sets of strength training – sprints, jump rope), Combo/Hybrid lifts (a combo of moves at once like a squat w/press, lunge w/curls, the more muscles you work at same time the more cals your burning.

jillian michaels shoe

Jillian Michaels favorite workout shoe, the K Swiss Tubes. I have a pair and I am super happy with them, lightweight, easy to wear.

Jillian Michaels- List of Anti Aging Foods with Medicinal Properties

Jillian Michaels writes on her Facebook that this is a good article with a list of Anti Aging Foods with Medicinal Properties. If you are looking for a place to buy Organic Superfoods, scroll to the bottom and check out the Raw Organics Superfood Store.

Jillian Michaels: In case you still haven’t gotten the Master Metabolism cookbook here is a fun article about anti-aging foods with medicinal properties.

jillian michaels master metabolism cookbook

Click Here to Get Jillian Michaels Book

By: Tollie Schmidt

Founder Tollie’s Out of the Darkness Project

CEO – Tollie International Inc. & International Speaker

“Empowering Greatness – Creating a Dream Infused Life”

The latest science on the muscle-building, brain-enhancing, wrinkle-erasing, heart-strengthening, bone-protecting, immunity-boosting, and inflammation-fighting foods you should be eating every day.

1. Almonds

These energy-rich snacks lower bad cholesterol, thanks to plant sterols, and benefit diabetics by lowering blood sugar. They’re also rich in amino acids, which bolster testosterone levels and muscle growth. Almonds are also stuffed with vitamin E, which helps defend against sun damage. In a study, volunteers who consumed 14 milligrams of the vitamin (about 20 almonds) per day and then were exposed to UV light burned less than those who took none. And because vitamin E is an antioxidant, it also works to keep your arteries free of dangerous free radicals. Low levels of vitamin E are also associated with poor memory performance and cognitive decline, says dietitian Sari Greaves of New York Presbyterian Hospital–Cornell.

2. Flaxseeds

Rich in protein and fiber, these little seeds offer a payload of omega-3 fatty acids, which erase spots and iron out fine lines in the skin. The British Journal of Nutrition reported that participants in one study who downed about half a teaspoon of omega-3s daily in 6 weeks experienced significantly less irritation and redness, along with better-hydrated skin. A recent study of people with high cholesterol (greater than 240 mg/dL) compared statin treatment with eating 20 grams of flaxseed a day. After 60 days, those eating flaxseed did just as well as those on statins. Try sprinkling ground flaxseed on oatmeal, yogurt, and salads.

3. Tomatoes

There are two things you need to know about tomatoes: red are the best, because they’re packed with more of the antioxidant lycopene; and processed tomatoes are just as potent as fresh ones, because it’s easier for the body to absorb the lycopene. Studies show that a diet rich in lycopene can decrease your risk of bladder, lung, prostate, skin, and stomach cancers, as well as reduce the risk of coronary artery disease, and help eliminate skin-aging free radicals caused by ultraviolet rays. “Cooked tomatoes and tomato paste work best,” says celebrity trainer Gunnar Petersen.

4. Sweet Potatoes

Often confused with yams, these tubers are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. In addition to countering the effects of secondhand smoke and preventing diabetes, sweet potatoes contain glutathione, an antioxidant that can enhance nutrient metabolism and immune-system health, as well as protect against Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, liver disease, cystic fibrosis, HIV, cancer, heart attack, and stroke. What’s more, they’re also loaded with vitamin C, which smoothes out wrinkles by stimulating the production of collagen. A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that volunteers who consumed 4 milligrams of C (about half a small sweet potato) daily for 3 years decreased the appearance of wrinkles by 11 percent.

5. Spinach

It may be green and leafy, but spinach—a renowned muscle builder—is also the ultimate man food. The heart-health equivalent of a first-ballot Hall of Famer, spinach is replete with the essential minerals potassium and magnesium, and it’s one of the top sources of lutein, an antioxidant that may help prevent clogged arteries. Plus its vitamins and nutrients can bolster bone-mineral density, attack prostate cancer cells, reduce the risk of skin tumors, fight colon cancer, and, last but not least, increase blood flow to the penis. “Popeye was on to something,” says Susan Bowerman, assistant director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California at Los Angeles.

6. Rosemary

The carnosic acid found in this spice has been shown to reduce stroke risk in mice by 40 percent, according to a study published in the Journal of Neurochemistry. Carnosic acid appears to set off a process that shields brain cells from free-radical damage, which can worsen the effects of a stroke. It can also protect against degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and the general effects of aging.

7. Wild Salmon

A 4-ounce serving of salmon has approximately 2,000 milligrams of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), omega-3 fatty acids that serve as oil for the brain’s hardware by helping nerve cells communicate with one another. Thirty-five percent of your brain consists of fatty acids like these, but they can decline as the years stack up. A 2008 University of Cincinnati study, for instance, found that the brain tissue of 65- to 80-year-olds contained 22 percent less DHA than the brain tissue of 29- to 35-year-olds. “If you want to keep your wits about you as you age, start consuming omega-3s now,” says William Harris, Ph.D., a nutrition researcher at the University of South Dakota. Why is wild so important? Because farmed fish, which are fattened with soy, can be as high in inflammatory omega-6 fats as a cheeseburger. If in doubt, opt for sockeye salmon, which can’t be farmed and is always wild. Aim for at least two servings a week, says dietitian Joan Salge Blake, author of Nutrition and You.

8. Blueberries

“This potent little fruit can help prevent a range of diseases from cancer to heart disease,” says Ryan Andrews, the director of research at Precision Nutrition, in Toronto, Canada. Think of blueberries as anti-rust for your gray matter, too. Besides being rich in fiber and vitamins A and C, they’re also packed with antioxidants—only açai, an Amazonian berry, contains more—that neutralize the free radicals that cause neuronal misfires. Eat a cup a day, and opt for wild blueberries whenever possible, as they contain 26 percent more antioxidants than cultivated varieties.

9. Green Tea

Green tea releases catechin, an antioxidant with proven anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Research found that drinking 2 to 6 cups a day not only helps prevent skin cancer but might also reverse the effects of sun damage by neutralizing the changes that appear in sun-exposed skin. Other studies show that green tea—infused with another antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)—can boost your cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of most types of cancer.

10. Dark Chocolate

Flavonoids, a natural nutrient in cocoa, improve blood flow in the brain, which helps boost cognitive function. Plus dark chocolate contains a tannin called procyanidin, which is also found in red wine, that can keep your arteries flexible and your blood pressure low. It helps on the outside, too. In a study from the Journal of Nutrition, women who drank cocoa fortified with a chocolate bar’s worth of flavonols had better skin texture and stronger resistance to UV rays than those who drank significantly fewer flavonols. Indulge in 1 ounce a day to get all the benefits, says dietitian Sari Greaves of New York Presbyterian Hospital–Cornell.

11. Tuna

Your favorite deli sandwich has a little secret: Selenium. This nutrient helps preserve elastin, a protein that keeps your skin smooth and tight. The antioxidant is also believed to buffer against the sun (it stops free radicals created by UV exposure from damaging cells). Tuna is also a great source of protein, contains no trans fat, and a 3-ounce serving of chunk light contains 11 mg of heart-healthy niacin, which has been shown to help lower cholesterol and help your body process fat. University of Rochester researchers determined that niacin raises HDL cholesterol (the good kind) and lowers triglycerides more than most statins alone.

12. Carrots

Think of carrots as orange wonder wands—good for the eyeballs, and good for clearing up breakouts. No magic here, though, just plenty of vitamin A, which prevents overproduction of cells in the skin’s outer layer. That means fewer dead cells to combine with sebum and clog pores. They’re also spiked with carotenoids—fat-soluble compounds that are associated with a reduction in a wide range of cancers, as well as a reduced risk and severity of inflammatory conditions such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

13. Dried Plums

Also known as prunes, these dark shrivelers are rich in copper and boron, both of which can help prevent osteoporosis. “They also contain a fiber called inulin, which, when broken down by intestinal bacteria, makes for a more acidic environment in the digestive tract,” says Bowerman. “That, in turn, facilitates calcium absorption.”

14. Whole Grains

Whole grains—oatmeal, wheat flour, barley, brown rice—are high in fiber, which calms inflamed tissues while keeping the heart strong, the colon healthy, and the brain fueled. Whole grains can be loaded with carbs, but the release of those sugars is slowed by the fiber, and because they can pack as much as 10 grams of protein per 1/2-cup serving, they also deliver steady muscle-building energy. But not all breads and crackers advertised as “whole grain” are the real deal. “Read the label,” says Lynn Grieger, an online health, food, and fitness coach. “Those that aren’t whole grain can be high in fat, which increases inflammation.”

15. Red Wine

Swimming in resveratrol—a natural compound that lowers LDL, raises HDL, and prevents blood clots—red wine can truly be a lifesaver. A recent review in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, for instance, suggests that resveratrol may prevent or delay the onset of chronic disease. But limit your intake to two drinks a day. According to a study of 6,000 patients in the Journal of the American Medical Association, you’re 97 percent more likely to reach your 85th birthday if you keep your daily alcohol consumption to fewer than three drinks. Vin rouge is also a rich source of flavonoids, antioxidants that help protect the lining of blood vessels in your heart, and may make you less likely to die of cardiovascular disease, according to Japanese researchers.

16. Yogurt

Various cultures claim yogurt as their own creation, but the 2,000-year-old food’s health benefits are not disputed: Fermentation spawns hundreds of millions of probiotic organisms that serve as reinforcements to the battalions of beneficial bacteria in your body, which keep your digestive tract healthy and your immune system in top form, and provide protection against cancer. Not all yogurts are probiotic, though, so make sure the label says “live and active cultures.”

17. Avocado

Chock full of monounsaturated fat, avocados deliver a double-barreled blast to LDL cholesterol (the bad kind). They are also rich in folate, a water-soluble B vitamin that helps lower the levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that can hinder the flow of blood through blood vessels. Eat a 1/4 cup twice a week, says Greaves.

18. Walnuts

Richer in heart-healthy omega-3s than salmon, loaded with more anti-inflammatory polyphenols than red wine, and packing half as much muscle-building protein as chicken, the walnut sounds like a Frankenfood, but it grows on trees. Other nuts combine only one or two of these features, not all three. A serving of walnuts—about 1 ounce, or seven nuts—is good anytime, but especially as a postworkout recovery snack.

19. Turmeric

Curcumin, the polyphenol that gives turmeric its tang and yellow hue, has anticancer properties, anti-inflammatory effects, and tumor-fighting activities known in nutrition-speak as anti-angiogenesis. Researchers at UCLA have also found that it helps deter the accumulation of amyloid plaques in the brain, tiny blockages that may cause Alzheimer’s disease. Turmeric’s prevalence in India, the researchers suggest, may help explain why so few of the country’s senior citizens have the disease, whereas the statistic is close to 13 percent in the United States, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. One tip: Pair it with pepper in curries. “Adding black pepper to turmeric or turmeric-spiced food enhances curcumin’s bioavailability by 1,000 times, due to black pepper’s hot property called piperine,” says nutritionist Stacy Kennedy of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

20. Black Beans

People who eat one 3-ounce serving of black beans a day decrease their risk of heart attack by 38 percent, according to a study in the Journal of Nutrition. And while other beans are also good for your heart, none can boost your brainpower like black beans. That’s because they’re full of anthocyanins, antioxidant compounds that have been shown to improve brain function. They’re also packed with superstar nutrients, including protein, healthy fats, folate, magnesium, B vitamins, potassium, and fiber.

21. Apples

An apple a day reduces swelling of all kinds, thanks to quercetin, a flavonoid also found in the skin of red onions. Quercetin reduces the risk of allergies, heart attack, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and prostate and lung cancers. If given the choice, opt for Red Delicious. They contain the most inflammation-fighting antioxidants.

22. Alaskan King Crab

High in protein and low in fat, the sweet flesh of the king crab is spiked with zinc—a whopping 7 milligrams per 3.5-ounce serving. “Zinc is an antioxidant, but more important, it helps support healthy bone mass and immune function,” says Bowerman.

23. Pomegranates

The juice from the biblical fruit of many seeds can reduce your risk of most cancers, thanks to polyphenols called ellagitannins, which give the fruit its color. In fact, a recent study at UCLA found that pomegranate juice slows the growth of prostate cancer cells by a factor of six.

24. Bok Choy

This crunchy cruciferous vegetable is more than the filler that goes with shrimp in brown sauce. “Bok choy is rich in bone-building calcium, as well as vitamins A and C, folic acid, iron, beta-carotene, and potassium,” says celebrity trainer Teddy Bass. Potassium keeps your muscles and nerves in check while lowering your blood pressure, and research suggests that beta-carotene can reduce the risk of both lung and bladder cancers, as well as macular degeneration.

25. Oysters

Shellfish, in general, is an excellent source of zinc, calcium, copper, iodine, iron, potassium, and selenium. “But the creamy flesh of oysters stands apart for its ability to elevate testosterone levels and protect against prostate cancer,” says Bass.

26. Broccoli

One cup of broccoli contains a hearty dose of calcium, as well as manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. And that’s in addition to its high concentration of vitamins—including A, C, and K—and the phytonutrient sulforaphane, which studies at Johns Hopkins University suggest has powerful anticancer properties.

27. Kiwis

Like bananas, this fuzzy fruit is high in bone-protecting potassium. “They’re also rich in vitamin C and lutein, a carotenoid that can help reduce the risk of heart disease,” says Bowerman. “I try to eat at least one or two a week after exercising.” Freeze them for a refreshing energy kick, but don’t peel the skin: It’s edible and packed with nutrients.

28. Olive Oil

The extra-virgin variety is rich in beneficial monounsaturated fats. “Its fatty acids and polyphenols reduce inflammation in cells and joints,” says Grieger. A study in the journal Nature found that it’s as effective as Advil at reducing inflammation. “Have 2 tablespoons a day,” says Bowerman.

29. Leeks

“Leeks can support sexual functioning and reduce the risk of prostate cancer,” says Michael Dansinger, M.D., an assistant professor of medicine and an obesity researcher at Tufts–New England Medical Center, in Boston. “Chop the green part of a medium leek into thin ribbons and add it to soups, sautés, and salads as often as possible.” These scallionlike cousins of garlic and onions are also packed with bone-bolstering thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, and potassium, and they’re also rich in folic acid, a B vitamin that studies have shown to lower levels of the artery-damaging amino acid homocystein in the blood.

30. Artichokes

Lauded for centuries as an aphrodisiac, this fiber-rich plant contains more bone-building magnesium and potassium than any other vegetable. Its leaves are also rich in flavonoids and polyphenols—antioxidants that can cut the risk of stroke—and vitamin C, which helps maintain the immune system. “Eat them as often as you can,” says Bowerman. Ripe ones feel heavy for their size and squeak when squeezed.

31. Chili Peppers

“Chilis stimulate the metabolism, act as a natural blood thinner, and help release endorphins,” says Petersen. Plus, they’re a great way to add flavor to food without increasing fat or calorie content. Chilis are also rich in beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A in the blood and fights infections, as well as capsaicin, which inhibits neuropeptides (chemicals that cause inflammation). A recent study in the journal Cancer Research found that hot peppers even have anti-prostate-cancer properties. All this from half a chili pepper (or 1 tablespoon of chili flakes) every day.

32. Ginger

Contrary to popular belief, ginger—a piquant addition to so many Asian dishes—isn’t a root, it’s a stem, which means it contains living compounds that improve your health. Chief among them is gingerol, a cancer suppressor that studies have shown to be particularly effective against that of the colon. Chop ginger or grind it fresh and add it to soy-marinated fish or chicken as often as you can. The more you can handle, the better.

33. Cinnamon

Known for making desserts sweet and Indian food complex, cinnamon is rich in antioxidants that inhibit blood clotting and bacterial growth (including the bad-breath variety). “Studies also suggest that it may help stabilize blood sugar, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes,” says dietitian Nancy Clark, author of Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook. “What’s more, it may help reduce bad cholesterol. Try half a teaspoon a day in yogurt or oatmeal.”

34. Eggs

Those who have eggs for breakfast lose 65 percent more weight than those who down a bagel breakfast with the same number of calories, according to a study in the International Journal of Obesity. Eat the yolk, too. Recent studies have proved that the fat in the yellow part is important to keep you satiated, and the benefits of its minerals and nutrients outweigh its cholesterol effect.

35. Figs

Packed with potassium, manganese, and antioxidants, this fruit also helps support proper pH levels in the body, making it more difficult for pathogens to invade, says Petersen. Plus, the fiber in figs can lower insulin and blood-sugar levels, reducing the risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Select figs with dark skins (they contain more nutrients) and eat them alone or add them to trail mix.

36. Grass-Fed Beef

Nothing beats pure protein when it comes to building muscle. The problem with most store-bought beef, however, is that the majority of cattle are grain fed, which gives their meat a relatively high ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. That, in turn, contributes to inflammation. The fatty acids in grass-fed beef, on the other hand, are skewed toward the omega-3 variety. Such beef also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which studies have shown help reduce belly fat and build lean muscle.

37. Mushrooms

Delicious when added to brown rice, reiki, shiitake, and maitake mushrooms are rich in the antioxidant ergothioneine, which protects cells from abnormal growth and replication. “In short, they reduce the risk of cancer,” says Bowerman, who recommends half a cup once or twice a week. “Cooking them in red wine, which contains resveratrol, magnifies their immunity-boosting power.”

38. Pineapples

With its potent mix of vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes—in particular, bromelain—pineapple is an all-body anti-inflammation cocktail. It also protects against colon cancer, arthritis, and macular degeneration, says Grieger. (If only the “colada” part of the equation were as healthy.) Have half a cup, two or three times a week.

39. Fruit or Vegetable Juice

Raise a glass of the good stuff. In a 2006 University of South Florida study, people who drank three or more 4-ounce glasses of fruit or vegetable juice each week were 76 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who drank less. The high levels of polyphenols—antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables—may protect brain cells from the damage that may be caused by the disease, says study author Amy Borenstein, Ph.D.

40. Bing Cherries

Research by the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows that eating about 35 bing cherries a day can lower the risk of tendinitis, bursitis, arthritis, and gout, says Bowerman. Studies also suggest that they reduce the risk of chronic diseases and metabolic syndrome.

Buy Raw Organic Super Foods Here:

Raw Organic Cacao - Beans, Nibs, Powder & Butter

On another note, I am now a big fan of the shoe Jillian Michaels will be promoting soon. Check it out here now www.JillianMichaelsWorkoutShoe.com.

Jillian Michaels- 5 Secrets to a Better Workout

Jillian's Workout Tips

5 Secrets to a Better Workout

To get ripped, you have to hit the gym – hard. Let’s face it, some days are just harder than others. Jillian Michaels shares her tips for improving your workout.

1. Kick Up Your Cardio

The key to consistently challenging your body is to keep it guessing. When it comes to cardio, this is incredibly easy to do. You can create interval sets like walking on a steep incline for two minutes, then run on a flat level for one minute. Or jog for two minutes, sprint for one minute. You can also try running and jogging in quarter-mile bursts. Depending on your fitness level, any of these interval workouts will help you bump your calorie burn.

Just be sure that you’re always keeping your heart rate at 85 percent of your maximum. To calculate your maximum heart rate, if you’re a woman, subtract your age from 220. If you’re a man, subtract your age from 226. That number is your maximum heart rate in beats per minute.

2. Switch It Up

If you don’t know by now, I HATE the treadmill. It’s torture — I can only play with intervals and inclines for so many days a week. On the other days, I get my cardio fix by mixing things up. Adding variety into your routine forces your body to progress because you’re physically requiring it to adapt to new stimulus. So take a boxing, Cross Fit, barre method, Zumba® or dance, yoga, kettlebells or spinning class. Better yet, try a different one every week if you can. By training in different ways, your body becomes more efficient, well rounded, and less prone to injury. So break out of your comfort zone and try something new. Bring a friend with you if you’re intimidated!

3. Sweat In Style

I’m all about the laid-back look, like jeans and cute tees, but when it comes to gym gear — nothing gets me pumped up like a cool new pair of kicks. Investing in stylish, comfortable clothes and killer kicks can really amp up the enthusiasm for dragging yourself to the gym. So what if you’re there to show off your hot, new gear. You’re still working it on the elliptical, and that’s all I care about.

4. Trick Your Bod

Your body quickly adapts to the number of repetitions you perform. This is why changing your repetitions on a weekly basis will help you improve the effectiveness of your workouts. First you need to calculate your one-rep maximum, or the maximum amount of weight you can lift once, and still do it properly. With that number, use this quick four-week plan as a guide:

Week 1: Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions at 40 percent of your maximum repetition.

Week 2: Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions at 55 percent of your maximum repetition.

Week 3: Do 4 sets of 10 repetitions at 70 percent of your maximum repetition.

Week 4: Do 2 sets of 5 repetitions at 90 percent of your maximum repetition.

By the end of four weeks, your maximum repetition may have changed and you can continue to work off of this pyramid method to continue to challenge your muscles.

5. Get Techie

These days, there are a lot of new products that make working out more fun. Here are a few of my favorites.

Sennheiser CX680 Adidas Sport Headphones

I need music to work out, but sometimes when I run, the smaller earbuds easily fall out of my ears, which annoys the crap out of me. The solution? These headphones — they’re waterproof AND they hook into your ears so they stay put. They’re also designed for intense, active workouts — so they can handle some serious wear and tear.


X-Box Kinect is a camera that picks up your entire body — so you don’t have to worry about controllers. It fully monitors your form and everything you’re doing. If you’re going to invest in a video-game fitness console, this takes the cake. It’s a great way to exercise with your kids as well. They get to play their games, but you’re getting them to work out at the same time. A little bit deceptive, but 100 percent effective.

The Ultimate Watch

This website is awesome: ActiveWatches.com. It helps you find the perfect watch, specific to the sport that you’re playing, and it also takes into consideration all of the features you’re looking for.

BodyMedia FIT Armband Device

The BodyMedia FIT armband is an amazing weight-loss tool. It is an armband that gives you highly accurate information on the number of calories you burn throughout the day, and it also tracks the quality of your sleep — which is an important factor in weight loss — and nutrition and workout data. I love the easy-to-use food log that this device offers.

So you get the drill. When it comes to working out, try to keep things new and fresh. If you’re consistently doing the same workout, your routine will start to feel stale —fast. So switch it up and style it up. After all that, you might actually want to go to the gym.

Jillian Michaels Shoes and Chihuahua

Jillian Michaels long time favorite workout shoes are the K-Swiss Tubes.

She is too funny and if you have a chance, you should join her fan page on Facebook. Here is one of her latest posts:

“Does anyone want a little black chihuahua? I am going to kill mine. Maybe I should be happy that he tagged the white one so I didn’t slip it on and wonder what the smell was.”

And here is the picture that went with that post:

Jillian Michaels tennis shoes

Jillian's Chihuahua Helps Decorate Her Favorite Shoes

See the yellow on the back of the shoe is not in the original design……

But it does show that she really uses the shoe in her daily life. I think it’s a great shoe too. It’s funny because that is the exact color I have…without the odd yellowing on the back…I am a fan of them. They were too tight on my heel at first, but quickly adjusted and have become my “go to” workout shoe. I think it’s because they are so lightweight, they feel great.

Get yours here. But keep the dog away. They are too expensive to be a potty pad. 🙂

Click Here for the Amazon Store with Lots of Jillian Michael’s Workout Favorites!


jillian michaels shoes

Click Here to Get Yours Now! (without the pee)

Jillian Michael’s Shoes Amazon Store has lot’s of her favorites. The K-Swiss Tubes are in the upper right corner. Lot’s of cool colors!


Read more on Jillian Michael’s and K-Swiss HERE


Jillian Michaels Shoes

Jillian Michaels shoes are the favorite K Swiss kicks! Jillian has just finished her photo shoot for K Swiss, she is now promoting the clothing line. But if you look back, she has always been a HUGE fan of the K Swiss Tubes.

Jillian Michaels tennis shoes

Jillian Michaels New Favorite Shoes

I picked up a pair for myself and am a fan. They are super light weight and come in really cute colors (always nice). I bought the red and gray, but I want the lavender or the pink ones next.

Jillian says, “This is the type of sports bra I wear in Ripped In 30. Kinda like the wonder bra of sports gear. think you will appreciate. and these are my new FAVORITE k swiss kicks.”

Jillian’s Smart Tip for today: “Smart tip:An effective split routine is a great way of preventing fatigue & injury, while achieving maximum calorie burning results. It allows you 2 train all week long but not over train by working different muscle groups on different days. Try back, bi’s, hamstrings, glutes on Mon & Fri. Chest, Tris, Quads on Tues & Sat. Cardio & Abs on Wed, Sat, or Sun. Make sure to take at least 1 day off w/no training a week.

K Swiss Shoes, Tubes Specs:

A lightweight running shoe.

• Durability is achieved with a full length Aosta® II rubber outsole.
• Flexibility is enhanced by anatomically correct flex-grooves.
• Breathability is increased with a mesh upper.
• Cushioning is provided by k-EVA midsole compound and the dynamic motion of the tubes working in harmony with the motion of the foot.
• Stay tied laces.


jillian michaels shoes

Click HERE to Get Yours Now

Jillian Michaels tennis shoe

Jillian Goofing Around in Her K Swiss Tubes

Jillian Michaels Newest Boredom Fighter

Jillian says she will do anything to fight off boredom when it comes to fitness routines. What do you think of this? This is on one of her latest Facebook posts.

great parkour fitness video

Fitness Option...wow

Jillian Michaels Before and After Pics- Wow

Jillian Michaels Before and After Pics- What a Rockstar!

Everyone knows Jillian from NBC’s The Biggest Loser. But I have been checking out her stuff lately, and wow, she has helped a LOT of people get fit and gain control of their lives. The pictures speak for themselves. These are from her Facebook page.

jillian michaels before and after pic


jillian michaels before and after


jillian michaels before and after

Before after Jillian Michaels
Amber from Oklahoma

jillian michaels before and after

before and after jillian michaels

jillian michaels before and after

jillian michaels before and after

jillian michaels before and after

before after jillian michaels
Jill Hudson

before and after jillian michaels

jillian michaels before and after
Kelly from Pennsylvania

jillian michaels before and after

Jillian Michaels is one of the leading health and wellness experts in the country.

Perhaps considered one of the most demanding people on television for her role as trainer and life coach on the two NBC hit series, The Biggest Loser and Losing It With Jillian, Michaels has created a brand name for herself. Every week she motivates nearly 13 million TV viewers of The Biggest Loser, and almost 1.5 million monthly visitors to her Web site and daily e-mail newsletter.

As a motivator and role model, Jillian has a unique connection with her audience that stems from her own personal journey toward wellness. Before she was a huge TV success, Jillian struggled with her own weight. She was determined to reach her goals — and through dedication and hard work, she did.

Jillian michaels fast diet

What Are You Waiting For?

Books, DVDs, and video games — Jillian has them all covered. She is a New York Times bestselling author of three books, The Master Your Metabolism Cookbook, Master Your Metabolism and Making the Cut, and is also the author of Winning by Losing, The Master Your Metabolism Calorie Counter. Her DVDs, Yoga Meltdown, 30-Day Shred, No More Trouble Zones, and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, are consistently top sellers, and her Web site, JillianMichaels.com, enjoys tremendous success because of people who look to Jillian for a comprehensive online wellness program. In addition, she is an AOL Fitness Coach and has two video games for the Nintendo Wii — Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Ultimatum 2009 and Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Ultimatum 2010, which is also available for Nintendo DS. Her new iPhone app, Jillian Michaels Fitness Motivation, was released in June 2010 and is available from iTunes.

Jillian launched Empowered Media, LLC, with the goal of creating total life solutions for people that involve all aspects of living well, including health, wellness, weight loss, and overall lifestyle. By imparting to her clients a unique and inspiring philosophy that stresses the integration of fitness, nutrition, and behavioral changes, Jillian empowers the people she works with to define and reach their personal goals, both physical and psychological. Empowered Media allows Jillian to communicate her message of health and wellness to a large audience through different media, including an online community, books, DVDs, gaming, and exercise equipment. The company will work toward its objectives with a circle of experts who collaborate with Jillian to act as life architects, helping people to restructure their lives. The company’s motto is, “Inspired by Jillian, empowered by YOU!”

Jillian Michaels New Series

Jillian lives in Los Angeles. When she’s not on set for TV, she enjoys traveling and getting involved in charitable activities, which include her work as an ambassador for the American Cancer Society.

Need more Jillian? Check out her FAVORITE WORKOUT SHOE here!

10 First Date Failures YOU Need to Avoid

10 First Date Failures You Need to Avoid

Seducing Mr Right posted a new article about the biggest dating mistakes people make that jeopardize their chances at date two. Click the link for the details on the top 10.

Here are the Top 10 Dating Mistakes

  1. Put Your Cell Away
  2. The Ex-Factor
  3. Eat
  4. Drunk = Loss of Respect
  5. Don’t Leave Your Brain at Home
  6. My Children Are My Life
  7. Be on Time
  8. High Maintenance
  9. Nobody Wants to Sex Up Frump Girl/If You’re Showing Vag You’re Trying too Hard
  10. Let Him Be the MAN

Click HERE for the WHY on the top 10 dont’s!

Jillian Michael’s Favorite Work-Out Shoe

Jillian Michaels is set to promote her much loved tennis shoe by K-Swiss. Click HERE for your sneak peak of her long-standing FAVORITE work-out shoe.


Jillian Michaels...Gorgeous

She comments on Facebook,” I forgot to mention that I closed a deal with K-Swiss!! I have been ranting and raving about loving their shoes and so they offered me the ability to develop my own line of athletic wear (think performance and lifestyle) and endorse the Tubes kicks I have been obsessed with. Yay. Hoping to have clothes out by spring of… 2011!”

The LA Business Journal reports, “K-Swiss Inc. on Monday said it had signed a global multi-year endorsement deal with “Biggest Loser” TV fitness trainer Jillian Michaels.

Michaels, a New York Times list best-selling author with a growing number of product endorsements, will represent the Westlake Village athletic shoe maker at promotional events. She also will help develop a product line for K-Swiss’ California Sports brand.

Jillian Michael’s K-Swiss Tubes! Get Yours Click HERE!

Michaels already had been wearing the company’s Tubes Run 100 shoe on television appearances this year prior to the endorsement.

“As a California native, she has built a successful career around helping people celebrate a healthy, active lifestyle,” said Executive Vice President David Nichols in a press release. “We share the commitment and passion for helping others to reach their personal best, and the fun that goes along with it.”

Shares were up 11 cents, or 1 percent, to $10.37 in midday trading on the Nasdaq.”

Jillian is no stranger to product endorsements. Among others, she is already promoting her Wii fitness program. The reviews of the 2009 version were not great, but the Amazon reviews of the 2010 version are exciting!

Amazon Reviewer Stacy Hawks says:

“This game is definitely not for someone who isn’t serious about losing weight. Jillian Michaels has some amazing workout routines that really get your heart going and your muscles working. I’ve had it for three days now and can tell you its worth the money. Although the balance board is optional I would suggest having one because a lot of the other exercises require it and it acts as a scale that weighs you. You can even set up your own routine calendar and follow Jillian’s diet tips and work out suggestions. Great game. I like it.”

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